
How To Get Rid Of Ammonia Body Odor

14 Amazing Home Remedies to Get Rid of Body Odor –Mild body odor is alright, but unpleasant body odor can cause serious discomfort for you as well as people around you. And, that's why, we have come up with this article on best home remedies to get rid of body odor. Most of us suffer from body odor issue during summer. Summer is synonymous with sweating, and sweating is the primary cause of body odor. Sweating is our body's natural process to regulate temperature. However, body odor, along with sweating is never welcome! Though deodorant is the easiest way to control body odor but since past few years, the ingredients used in most of the deodorants have come under scanner. That's why, many people today are looking for natural alternatives.
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Home Remedies to Get Rid of Body Odor, How to treat body odor naturally, tips to get rid of body odor

Before we start talking about the remedies for body odor, lets first find out what are the causes that can lead to unpleasant body odor.

What Causes Body Odor

Medication :

Medicines are important to feel better, but sometimes, certain medications, like fever-reducing drugs make us sweat. And we already know that sweat is the main cause of body odor.

Excessive Stress :

Sweating out of stress is not uncommon. But that too can be a cause of your body odor. Stress-sweat is produced from apocrine glands. This is a odorless fluid until it gets in touch with the bacteria present on our skin. Moreover, the bacteria breaks down our sweat into odor causing by-product.

Certain Spicy Foods :

Addiction to spicy foods can also cause body odor. Foods that are rich in garlic and other spices release gases with sulfur in them, when our body breaks down the food. Those gases are released through our pores, causing body odor post few hours of having a spicy meal.

Alcohol Consumption :

This is another main reason behind suffering from pungent body odor. When we consume alcohol, our body treats it as a toxin and tries to break it down as soon as possible. Most parts of the alcohol is metabolized and also gets removed from the body with urine. But in case we end up drinking more alcohol that our liver can process, some part of that gets out of the body with sweat and breath, causing unpleasant body odor.
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Home Remedies to Get Rid of Body Odor 2, Natural remedies for body odor, how to eliminate body odor

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Body Odor

These were some of the reasons that our body produces foul or unpleasant odor. But fortunately for us, there are few excellent home remedies to get rid of body odor, and they are completely safe for our skin as well. Check them out below.

1. Lemon Juice to Treat Body Odor

2. Use Apple Cider Vinegar to Remove Body Odor

3. Green Tea Remedy for Body Odor

4. Eliminate Body Odor with Rosemary

5. Tomato Juice to Treat Body Odor

6. Epsom Salt Remedy for Body Odor

7. Use Sage to Remove Body Odor

8. Baking Soda to Treat Body Odor

9. Coconut Oil Remedy for Body Odor

10. Combat Body Odor with Tea Tree Oil

11. Treat Body Odor with Lavender Essential Oil

12. Apply Witch Hazel to Fight Off Body Odor

13. Neem Leaves for Body Odor Removal

14. Consume Fenugreek Tea to Stay Away from Body Odor

1. Lemon Juice to Treat Body Odor

Lemon is one of the most effective home remedies to get rid of body odor. The acidic nature of lemon juice lowers the pH levels of the body and thus makes it difficult for bacterial growth. Also, the anti bacterial and anti fungal benefits of lemon juice prevents the growth of microbes that breaks down the sweat and causes unpleasant body odor. The natural astringent properties of lemon juice shrinks and tightens the pores and thus reduces sweat production. Furthermore, the refreshing citrusy smell of lemon also helps to eliminate the unpleasant body odor.

How to use lemon juice in home remedies to get rid of body odor

Method 1 – Extract the juice from one lemon and then dilute it in water. Apply it on the underarms and allow it to dry completely. Wash off with luke warm water and repeat daily.

Method 2 – Cut one lemon into half and sprinkle a good amount of salt over one half of the lemon. Rub it on the underarms while squeezing the lemon so that the lemon juice gets mixed with salt and exfoliate the underarm skin. Do this for 8-10 minutes. Leave it on the skin for another 10 minutes and then wash off with plain water. Repeat this home remedies to get rid of body odor regularly.
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Method 3 – Make a mixture of one tbsp each of witch hazel essential oil and lemon juice and two tbsp water. Apply it on the underarms and leave it on for 10-15 minutes. Repeat twice in a day. This works as a natural deodorant and control body odor effectively.

Method 4 – Combine a tbsp each of lemon juice, honey and sugar. Apply the resultant mixture on the underarms and gently massage for few minutes. Leave it on the skin for another few minutes. Rinse off with plain water. Repeat regularly.

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2. Use Apple Cider Vinegar to Remove Body Odor

Next comes this one on our list of best home remedies to get rid of body odor. Apple cider vinegar can prevent the growth of bacteria that cause body odor. It is a highly acidic ingredient that neutralizes the pH level of the body and kills the bacteria that causes body odor. Often, body odor is caused by unhealthy liver and digestive system. Apple cider vinegar work as a liver tonic and boosts liver function. Also, it contains probiotics that improves digestive health and reduce body odor.

How to use apple cider vinegar in home remedies to get rid of body odor

Method 1 – Apply apple cider vinegar directly on the body parts which tend to sweat a lot. Wait for couple of minutes and then wash off with plain water. Repeat twice in a day.

Method 2 – Mix together half a cup of apple cider vinegar and a cup of water. Pour the solution in a spray bottle. Spray little amount of this mixture on the areas of the body which sweat a lot. This can be used as an alternative to chemical filled deodorants.

Method 3 – Combine together a tbsp each of apple cider vinegar and lemon juice. Add a cup of luke warm water to that. Apply this solution on the underarms with a cotton ball. Let your skin soak the mixture and then wash off with plain water. Repeat once in a day.

Method 4 – Add one tbsp apple cider vinegar to a cup of water. Pour few drops of tea tree oil there. Mix the ingredients and pour it in a spray bottle. Spray some of this mixture on the underarms just as you do with any deodorant.

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3. Green Tea Remedy for Body Odor

Green tea has anti oxidant properties. Along with that, it contains tannic acid which also helps to eliminate the body odor. The astringent properties of green tea shrink the pores and reduces sweat, thus controlling body odor. Daily intake of green tea helps in eliminating toxins from the body and reduces foul body odor.

How to use green tea in home remedies to get rid of body odor

  • Boil some water and add green tea leaves there. Let it cool down and then strain the water. Collect the leaves and squeeze out the extract. Apply that on the areas of your body which are sweat prone. Repeat every alternate day.
  • Along with this, don't forget to drink green tea on an empty stomach every morning.

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4. Eliminate Body Odor with Rosemary

Rosemary is one of the best home remedies to get rid of body odor. It has the ability to inhibit the growth of odor causing bacteria. Rosemary contains some amount of menthol as well as chlorophyll, both of which have antiperspirant properties. This is why rosemary is used as a natural remedy for body odor. Moreover, it emits a nice fragrance and controls zinc deficiency. Zinc deficiency in our body is one of the causes of body odor.

How to use rosemary to get rid of body odor

Method 1 – Add one and half cup of dried rosemary leaves to 4 cups of water. Cover the lid and let it steep for 10-12 minutes. Pour this rosemary infused water to your bath tub filled with water. Soak yourself there for 15-20 minutes daily.

Method 2 – Take a few sprigs of dried rosemary and grind them to make powder. Use the rosemary powder to armpits and other pulse points on your body. Repeat as needed to keep your body smelling fresh.

Method 3 – Take an ounce of water and add 10 drops of rosemary essential oil. Apply this solution on the underarms as a deodorant to combat body odor.

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5. Tomato Juice to Treat Body Odor

Tomato is loaded with anti septic and anti bacterial properties. This help in inhibiting the growth of body odor causing bacteria. Tomato juice is astringent in nature, which help in shrinking the pores and reduces the amount of sweat.
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How to combat body odor with tomato juice

Method 1 – Take 7-8 tomatoes and cut them in small pieces. Crush them and then extract the juice from the crushed tomatoes. Add the tomato juice to your bath water and take bath with the same. Repeat this daily to get rid of body odor.

Method 2 – You can apply fresh tomato juice directly on the sweat prone areas of your body. Leave it on the skin for 10-15 minutes and then wash off with plain water. Repeat daily.

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6. Epsom Salt Remedy for Body Odor

Next on our list of best home remedies to get rid of body odor comes this one. We have already discussed the main reasons for body odor and stress is one among them. Epsom salt helps in reducing stress and thus controls the amount of sweat production, which in turn also helps in eliminating body odor. Also Epsom salt has anti oxidant properties and it helps to detoxify our body.

How to use Epsom salt in home remedies to get rid of body odor

Fill your bath tub with warm water and pour 2-3 cups of Epsom salt there. Stir well and soak yourself in the bath for some time. This will help you to relax. Repeat this 2-3 times in a week for best results.

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Body Odor 3, how to remove body odor, how to smell good, tips for body odor

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7. Use Sage to Remove Body Odor

Sage also belongs to the rosemary family. It has aromatic properties which can keep the body smelling good through out the day. Moreover, sage can control the activity of our sweat glands which lead to less sweat production. Also it has anti bacterial properties which prevent the growth of body odor causing bacteria.

How to use sage in home remedies to get rid of body odor

Method 1 – Add few drops of sage essential oil to any carrier oil like olive oil or coconut oil. Mix well and then apply this on the underarms and the pulse points in our body. Apply this after taking shower and leave it on for few minutes on the skin before wearing clothes.

Method 2 – Mix together 5-6 drops each of sage essential oil, coriander essential oil and lavender essential oil. Add two ounces of distilled witch hazel to this oil blend. Combine everything nicely and then pour the solution in a spray bottle. Use it as your deodorant and apply regularly on the sweat prone parts of your body.

Method 3 – Take 1/4 liter of hot water and add 2 tsp dried sage there. Let it steep for 5-8 minutes. Wash your underarms and pulse points with this solution and repeat regularly.

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8. Baking Soda to Treat Body Odor

Baking soda acts as a natural deodorant. It absorbs moisture and sweat from the skin and keeps it dry. The anti bacterial properties of baking soda kill the odor causing bacteria and also neutralizes the pH level of the body to prevent excess sweating. Also, baking soda can lower the pH level of the sweat prone areas of the body to neutralize the acids present in the sweat.

How to use baking soda in home remedies to get rid of body odor

Method 1 – Take some baking soda in a bowl and then add water to create a paste. Wet your underarms and other sweat prone areas where you want to use this paste. Apply this on the skin and then massage for couple of minutes. Let it sit for another 5-10 minutes and then rinse off. Repeat regularly.

Method 2 – Make a paste by mixing one tbsp baking soda and required amount of lemon juice . Apply this resultant mixture on the underarms and body parts which tend to sweat a lot. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes and rinse off with plain water. Repeat daily. However be careful not to rub the skin with the paste on.

Method 3 – Add enough water to one tsp of baking soda, so that it forms a thick paste. Then add few drops of lavender essential oil, lemon essential oil and vanilla oil. Mix together and then apply it on the parts which are prone to sweat and odor. Let it sit for 15-20 minutes or as long as it takes to get completely dry. Wash off with plain water. Repeat daily.

Method 4 – Take one liter of water. Add half tsp baking soda, 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar and a pinch of borax. Stir all the ingredients and sip this solution through out the day.

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9. Coconut Oil Remedy for Body Odor

Next comes this one on our list of best home remedies to get rid of body odor. Coconut oil contains lauric acid which posses anti bacterial properties. Topical use of coconut oil helps in killing the body odor causing bacteria and eliminate body odor.

How to use coconut oil to get rid of body odor

Take a small amount of coconut oil and rub it on the body parts which sweat more. Do this daily.

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10. Combat Body Odor with Tea Tree Oil

Not only coconut oil, tea tree oil is also one of the best home remedies to get rid of body odor. Tea tree oil is known for its anti septic and anti bacterial properties. It helps in destroying the bacteria and fungus present on the skin and thus prevent them from breaking down the sweat into odor causing by-product. Also tea tree has a refreshing, soothing fragrance, which help to cover foul body odor. Moreover, the astringent properties of tea tree oil come handy in controlling sweat production and thus fight off body odor.

How to use tea tree oil to get rid of body odor

Take two tsp tea tree oil and dilute it in equal amount of water. Apply the mixture directly on your underarms and other sweat prone areas. Do this daily.
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11. Treat Body Odor with Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender essential oil has anti bacterial properties. It prevents the growth of odor causing bacteria. Also lavender essential oil has a charming fragrance, which can keep the body odor at bay.

How to use lavender essential oil in home remedies to get rid of body odor

Method 1 – Take some water and add few drops of lavender essential oil in it. Stir well and transfer this solution into a spray bottle. Spray it on the underarms and other sweat prone areas of your body. Store the bottle in refrigerator to use this solution as a natural deodorant.

Method 2 – Take three tsp cornstarch and two tsp baking soda. Add some lavender essential oil and mix them. It should have a powdery consistency. Transfer this powder in a jar and keep it in a dark place for couple of days. Apply this deodorant powder as and when needed. Both corn starch and baking soda are known for their absorbing qualities, which help in keeping the skin dry and thus, avoid body odor due to perspiration. Furthermore, baking soda has anti bacterial properties that kill the odor causing bacteria and also neutralizes the pH level of the body to prevent excess sweating. Also, baking soda can lower the pH level of the sweat prone areas of the body to neutralize the acids present in the sweat.

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12. Apply Witch Hazel to Fight Off Body Odor

You would be surprised to know that this product for oily and acne prone skin has the ability to eliminate body odor as well. Firstly, witch hazel has astringent properties that help in shrinking the pores and thus, control the amount of sweat. Also, it is acidic in nature, which lowers the pH level of the skin and thus, makes it difficult for the odor causing bacteria to survive.

How to use witch hazel in home remedies to get rid of body odor

It is really simple to use witch hazel for eliminating body odor. All you need to do is to take a few drops of witch hazel in a cotton ball and apply it on the underarms and other parts of the body which are prone to sweat and odor. You can use this as a natural replacement for your chemical laden deodorant. Use as and when needed.

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Body Odor 1, DIY remedies for body odor, tips to control body odor

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13. Neem Leaves for Body Odor Removal

Next comes another surprising ingredient on our list of best home remedies to get rid of body odor. Neem is loaded with anti bacterial, anti fungal and anti septic properties. Topical application of neem helps in killing the odor causing bacteria, and thus, eliminates body odor. Also neem has deep cleansing properties. It cleanses the skin nicely and freshens up as well.

How to use neem leaves to eliminate body odor

Method 1 – Take a handful of neem leaves put them in the grinder. Add some water and grind together to make a paste. Apply the fresh neem paste on the underarms as well as other sweat prone parts of the body. Allow it to dry completely and rinse off. Repeat daily.

Method 2 – Boil some neem leaves in water for some time. Remove from heat and let the solution cool down. Strain the water, collect it and add this to your bath water. Take bath with this water and repeat daily to get rid of body odor.

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14. Consume Fenugreek Tea to Stay Away from Body Odor

We are going to conclude this list of best home remedies to get rid of body odor. Fenugreek tea posses anti bacterial benefits which play a key role in killing the odor causing bacteria, thus eliminating the root cause of body odor. Also it has anti oxidant properties and it can flush out toxins from the body. As we already discussed that toxin build up in the body can also cause unpleasant smell on the body.

How to prepare

Add a tsp of fenugreek powder to 250 ml of water and bring it to boil. Continue until the quantity of the water gets reduced to half. Drink this tea daily on an empty stomach every morning to detoxify your body.

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These were some of the best home remedies to get rid of body odor. These remedies target the root cause of body odor and help to solve the issue. Hope you found this article helpful, stay tuned for more 🙂

How To Get Rid Of Ammonia Body Odor


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