
How To Get A Guy's Number

How to get a guy's number without making it obvious?


There's this really cute guy and we talk but were just friends and I wanna get his number and start texting but I don't know how to ask him without making me seem hella desperate over his number . HELP !?


How to get a guy's number without making it obvious?

Most Helpful Girls

  • LotsoSmiles

    +1 y

    I typically ask him if I can see his phone and program my number in it. When you start typing in your number I usually say something casual like, "You seem like a cool guy, if there's anything going on shoot me a text and lets hang out!" Or whenever I'm into a guy I DEMAND his number. I hate waiting around for him to text me, so I usually say, "Hey what's you're number, I think we should get some friends together and do something. I'll text you if something fun is going on."

    It's not a desperate thing to want his number. It's desperate if you get his number and text/call relentlessly with reasons why you love him and why you guys should be in a relationship. I can tell you right now that you are no where near desperate! Own it girl and get that boy's number!

    Good luck :)


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    • Mbabyyy

      +1 y

      Aww your so nice :)

      But yeah that's sucha good idea but then how do I just ask for his phone out of the cuts ?

      But thyankss yur advice helpss <3

    • LotsoSmiles

      +1 y

      I'm a little confused as to what you're asking lol

      It's really not hard, it just seems difficult becaue you like him.

  • viva_glow

    +1 y

    If you talk about hanging out with him on a future date, it REQUIRES getting his number. And can mean a perfectly friendly setting (that could always change to dating if you wanted it to).

    If not, find a way to get his help with something, where you'll need his number.


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  • Anonymous


    +1 y

    just ask him for it no games etc or can at least make it obvious you want him to ask by saying something like I have class right now text me later, he should respond by say something like I need your number for that etc


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    • Mbabyyy

      +1 y

      i can always walk with him after 5th period cause we have that class togther but how am I just gona get besidfe him and walk with him ?

    • Anonymous

      Opinion Owner

      +1 y

      well you said your friends right just call his name or something your comment is quite hard for me to reply back to as it has millions of possibilities

  • moviedude714

    moviedude714   | 2K opinions shared on Flirting topic.


    +1 y


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  • nate18

    nate18   | 87 opinions shared on Flirting topic.


    +1 y

    why not make it obvious? it kinda helps let him know your interested.


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    • Mbabyyy

      +1 y

      omg I didn't mean to reposrt yur comment it was an accident ^ sorry .

      but I don't wantr him to think I'm like some psycho desperate freshman whos tryna get at hom yah now >?

      btw he's a senior !

    • nate18

      +1 y

      why not? take some initiative and make a slight first move. its not like your asking him out. your just asking for his number or giving him yours. he's not gonna think your some desperate psycho freshman just for trying to get his number.

    • Mbabyyy

      +1 y

      Okay thankss your advice helpss .

      but how do I ask for it?

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    • nate18

      +1 y

      just ask. find something you could talk to him later about. or if you both have the same class ask him for his number so you can text him about some homework later. eventually that could lead to a good study date, which, of course leads to real dates.

    • Mbabyyy

      +1 y

      OKay thankss .. (:

    • nate18

      +1 y

      no problem :)

  • Brando

    +1 y

    "Well hey, I have to go but what's your number and I'll text you later/we'll continue this later?"


    "You. Number. Give it. Now. Bye"


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    • Mbabyyy

      +1 y

      haha I like the first option :)

  • snackeyg

    +1 y

    Just ask him. No bullsh*t. Or as silentthinker said, give him yours.


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    • Mbabyyy

      +1 y

      soo just be like heryy gimmie your nbumebr ? Noo that's too much likee I want HIM to ask for MINE !? :)

    • snackeyg

      +1 y

      Yep something like that. Good luck with that. Games are stupid. Just do it, before he finds someone else.

    • Mbabyyy

      +1 y

    • Show All Show Less

    • snackeyg

      +1 y

      Yay. :)

  • socalgamehater2006

    +1 y

    it's not desperate at all if a girl asks


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  • defytraditiongirl

    +1 y

    I'd say give him your number


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  • silentthinker

    +1 y

    maybe give him your number


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    • Mbabyyy

      +1 y

      but how ?

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