
how to add someone on snapchat without them knowing

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The level of social interaction and opportunities to mingle with people that social media has brought us is unimaginable.

However, things can sometimes get out of hand, or we simply might not feel up to continuing interactions with certain people.

While blocking these people is always an option, you may want to avoid the awkwardness that comes with these actions.

We will cover how you can block someone on Snapchat without them noticing.

How To Block Someone On Snapchat Without Them Knowing (Step-By-Step)

Woman holding ipad with snapchat

Steps to blocking people on Snapchat are different if the person is your friend or not.

Here's how it goes:

How To Block A Friend On Snapchat

If you don't want to continue a conversation with your Snapchat friends or don't want them to see your Story or Charms, you can block them without them knowing.

You can block your friends on Snapchat in different ways.

Here's the first method:

Go to the "Friends" section by tapping on your "Profile" icon on the upper-left corner of the Snapchat screen.

Here, you'll see the list of your friends on Snapchat.

Scroll down to the friend you wish to block or type their username in the search box.

Tap and hold their name and select "More."

Tap "Block."

You'll see a dialogue box that prompts you to confirm the Block action, so hit "Block."

The second method goes as follows:

Go to the Chat screen by swiping right.

Find the chat with the person you want to block.

Open the chat interface and tap on their profile icon.

Find the three-dot menu on the upper left corner of the screen and tap on it.

Find "Block" and tap on it to open the dialogue box asking you to confirm the action.

Through these simple steps, you'll successfully block your friend.

How To Block Someone On Snapchat Who's Not Your Friend

You can block Snapchat users who are not on your friend list in different ways.

The first one involves setting your privacy policy in a way that other profiles can't send you messages unless they're your friends.

In fact, this option is the recommended setting when you don't want other people to see your content on Snapchat.

To adjust these settings,

Open the Snapchat app and go to "Settings."

Locate and tap on "Who can…" and select "Send me Snaps."

Now, select "Friends" to block other people from sending you snaps except for your friends.

The second method is rather a strategy than a way to adjust settings.

If someone constantly bugs you by sending friend requests to you, but you don't want to accept their requests, don't select the "Decline" option.

Instead, leave those friend requests as "Pending" by doing nothing.

This way, they can't send you anything as long as you choose not to accept their requests.

You can also block someone who's blocked you before.

If you have sent the person messages before, you can open the conversation interface, access their profile, and block them there.

If you don't have any previous messages, you can use the above method we mentioned for people who aren't your friends.

Will Someone Know When You Block Them On Snapchat?

When you block someone on Snapchat, they won't receive any notifications directly telling them, "You've Been Blocked."

However, many things will happen that show you've blocked them.

First of all, they can't find you on Snapchat no matter how much they search your name or username.

In addition, they can't send you any snaps or messages, and you'll disappear from their contact list.

If you have an open conversation with them, they can send you messages, but you won't receive them.

The messages just appear as "unread" on their screens.

However, if they have an unopened snap with you, they'll be able to see the snap even after you block them until the snap expires.

Plus, if your account is private, they can't see your stories or profile, and they need your permission to tag you on their stories.

However, your chat will be deleted only on your side, and the other person will have the conversations as if nothing has happened.

However, you can still see their posts and stories if they have a public account.

They will see your username instead of your name, and you'll be on their friend list while they're not on yours.

All of the messages you've sent them will disappear after you block the person.

If you already have the blocked person on your best friends list, they'll be removed from the list once you block them.

That's because the "Best Friend" feature relies on your interaction with them, which becomes zero once you clock the person.

If your blocked friend screenshots your messages, you won't get a notification.

Even after you unblock them, you won't know if they've taken any screenshots of your conversations.

If they care enough to search why you've become a ghost to them, they will figure out you've blocked them.

A Simple Workaround

If you absolutely need to block a person without them knowing, there are some clever workarounds suggested by users, though.

Here's how to do one of these methods:

Set your stories in a way that only the person you want to block can see them.

Make a customized list of "Who can't see my story" by blocking everyone except for the one you wish to block.

In your story, say something like, "I'm going to change my account. Message me for the new username."

After they see your story, block them, and set your settings back to normal.

When you block the person, they can't send you the message and will think you've removed your account before they have managed to send you a message.

How To Unblock People From Snapchat

Snapchat application on android smartphone

Blocking users on Snapchat, like any other social media, is reversible.

You can always unblock people whenever you want to.

However, you should remember that you can't unblock a person immediately after blocking them.

You need to wait for 24 hours before you can reverse the block action.

Here's how to do it:

Tap on your profile in the upper-left corner of your Snapchat app and hit the gear icon in the upper-right corner to open "Settings."

Scroll down to the bottom of the list to find the "Blocked" list containing all the people you've already blocked.

Hit the "X" next to the blocked person's username and delete the person from the "Blocked" list.

Note: After you unblock a person, you can't see the chat history removed after blocking.

If you want to keep your important conversations with that person, make sure to get a backup of the chats before blocking the person.

Plus, if they send you snaps while they're blocked, you can't see the snaps after you unblock them.

When you block a person, Snapchat will automatically unfriend them, too.

After you unblock them, you will need to add them as a friend again.

Plus, even if you unblock them, they can't send you a friend request, which means the only person who can send the friend request is you.

Alternatives To Blocking People On Snapchat

woman using snapchat app

Although blocking is a privacy policy that allows you to choose who can or can't send you messages, that's not the only option.

Report As Spam

If someone uses Snapchat to harass, bully, or threaten you, blocking them isn't enough.

You need to make sure they can't repeat their spammy actions on the platform anymore.

This way, you let Snapchat deal with the person and decide what they should do.

To report a person on Snapchat, find them on your contact list and open their profile.

Alternatively, you could open their message if they've sent you spam.

Tap on their profile's avatar and open it.

Once you access the person's profile, tap on the horizontal three-dot menu on the screen's upper-right corner.

Here, you'll see the same overflow menu that you used for blocking the person.

The first option is "Report," which you should tap to repost the person.

Next, Snapchat prompts you to choose a reason for reporting this person.

They include:

  • They're annoying.
  • They've been hacked.
  • Mean or inappropriate snaps.
  • They're pretending to be me.
  • Spam account.

The next screen may also require you to answer more questions, and then you need to tap on "Submit."

Make the messages "Silent."

If your only problem with a person is the messages they send you and you don't want to deal with them, there are less direct ways to avoid them.

Do Not Disturb

The most basic method is to silence their messages, previously known as "Do Not Disturb."

This option is available for both groups and individual contacts to help you avoid getting disturbed by their notifications.

To do so,

Go to the conversation with them and open their profile by tapping on their avatar.

Tap on the three-dot icon to open the overflow menu.

Scroll down to "Message Notification" and tap on it to open a popup menu containing "All Messages" and "Silent."

Select "Silent," and the option "Silent" will appear next to "Message Notifications."

Mute Contacts On Snapchat

Silencing a person or group's messages on Snapchat allows you not to be disturbed by their messages and notifications.

Plus, when they upload a story, you may accidentally open them while using Snapchat.

If you don't want to see any activity from certain contacts, you can mute them.

To mute them, access the person's profile through the steps described above and find the "Mute Story" option in the overflow menu.

The app will prompt you to confirm you want to mute the stories by tapping on "Mute."

By successfully activating the Mute option, you'll see the toggle next to "Mute Story" enabled and turned green.

How To Remove A Friend On Snapchat

Snapchat app on a black android smartphone screen

If you want to unfriend a person without blocking them, you can use the "Remove Friend" option.

This option is different from blocking, which automatically unfriends the person but also blocks all contacts between you and the other person.

Removing a friend from your list only works like blocking when you've set your privacy settings on receiving messages from "Friends Only."

Unfriending a person doesn't remove your chats, and you can still look each other up.

You simply remove their contact from your account, and you don't need to send them a friend request if you want to add them back to your contacts.

Like blocking, removing a person on Snapchat makes them disappear from your list.

However, the other person can still see your chat, and all your saved messages will return when you add them back to your friend list.

To remove a friend, you go through all the steps you did for blocking.

The only difference is the last step, which involves choosing "Remove Friend" instead of "Block."

How To Know If Someone Has Blocked You On Snapchat

Girl with laptop texting

Since Snapchat doesn't notify you when someone blocks you, it's pretty much your job to find out if you've been blocked.

If you suspect that someone has blocked you, two simple ways can help you make sure.

If you know the other person's username, search them on your contact list by typing their name in the search box above your contacts.

If they've blocked you, their username isn't on your contacts list, and you'll get the option to add them to your friends.

If you don't know their username, may have typed the name wrong, or they've changed their username, you can use another method.

If you've already interacted with them before, you'll have the conversation open even if the person has blocked you.

You can go to the message box and send them a snap.

If the snap doesn't send successfully, you will know that you've been blocked.

However, there's another possibility.

If you're not friends with them, they may not receive your snaps if they've restricted messages only to those from their friends.

If the snap isn't successful, it's not a definite sign that they've blocked you.

You can make sure by sending them a message with another account.

If the message is pending, it shows they've set their privacy settings to receive messages only from their friends.

To make 100% sure, click on their username to see if the app shows you their profile details.

For example, suppose their score is 50 to 100, but they don't have best friends.

That's one sign that shows you're blocked.

How To Tell If Someone Has Unfriended You On Snapchat

using snapchat

Like blocking, you won't get a notification when someone unfriends you on Snapchat.

The only way is to make sure through checking if you can interact with them.

However, it's even more difficult to know because you can send them messages while you can't see when you're blocked.

When you no longer see their stories, it may indicate that they've unfriended you.

As we mentioned earlier, people can let you see their stories even if you're no on their friends' list.

However, there's still an easy way to make sure:

Search the person's username and find them on your contacts list.

Tap and hold on to their username to see the yellow ghost icons, which is their Snapcode.

If they haven't unfriended you, you can see their snap score, indicating the total number of snaps in the form of photos and videos they've sent and received on Snapchat.

Otherwise, their snap score will be hidden from you.

how to add someone on snapchat without them knowing


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